Ladies Academy

Ladies Golf Academy
Beginner Ladies Golf Classes

2025 Dates:
Wednesday 5th March
Wednesday 2nd April
Wednesday 7th May
Wednesday 4th June
Wednesday 2nd July
Wednesday 10th September
Wednesday 15th October
Wednesday 12th November
Wednesday 10th December
All sessions are 11:00am-1:00pm

Learn as part of a group in the relaxed environment of Upchurch River Valley Golf Club. Coaching will aim to cover every facet of golf, from Tee Shots to Chipping and Pitching and even time spent on the golf course.
The aim of the sessions is to prepare the ladies for the golf course and to feel comfortable navigating themselves around the golf club.
Interested?... SIGN-UP BELOW!

Follow the James Brooker Golf Pathway and learn golf at your own speed.
Academy members aim to progress from the Blue 25 yard tee all the way back to the Academy course full length tees.
This makes golf accessable and fun from the start! The Pathway also provides a nice structure to the pupil's learning journey.
Click the product to sign-up for the next Ladies Academy session!
Session includes coaching, range balls, club hire (if needed), tea/coffee.